上海M1NT酒吧—每周四 24电音工作室
10.29 Thursday: STUDIO 24
M1NT Shanghai
为您提供令人惊叹的表演和著名的M1NTCLUB 的一个令人惊叹的装饰!
M1NT's weekly Thursday night is here!We are taking over the concept of the nightclub legend by creating a special night and offering you breathtaking performances and a stunning decoration fitting the famous disco years!Celebrate every Thursday with us as we revive historyand indulge into the era of decadence and glamour. But beware of the overexcited and highly charged atmosphere...
http://s9898.com--https://-- ... tps://--,上海ktv预定,上海酒 ... tps://s9898.com /data/attachment/forum/201509/10/230727ezdk18khuv6tlkw9.jpg
DRESS CODE/着装要求Smart Casual 休闲正装
DATE/时间Every Thursday 21:00
Reservation Highly Recommended请提前预定021-63912811bookings@M1NTglobal.com