【宁波Club baidu】情人节派对
【Club baidu】:02/14-15“Valentine's day-SVEN SISTER”Party show!
Valentine's day Every year on February 14 is valentine's day is the most romantic holiday; The same day as the couples to resort to all sorts of "stimulus". So we baidu will choose what way? -- 每一年的2月14情人节都是樶浪漫的节日;也是情侣们寻求各种“刺激”的日子。那么我们百度将选择什么方式呢? 摒弃与创新:玩转情人节This day we abandon the past, year after year "courtship, affairs, such as" traditional play, will introduce "sister" tide of avant-garde fashion, let you and your TA fully integrated into the ocean of music. Sense of music is for the play. -- 这一天我们摒弃以往,年复一年的“求爱、艳遇等”传统玩法,将引入前卫时尚的“台妹”潮流玩法,让你和你的TA充分融入音乐的海洋。感知音乐是用来玩的!
SVEN SISTER: Create extreme hot wet PARTY SHOW Sven sister group The < SVEN SISTER > Incoming sexy! 打造极致性感湿身 PARTY SHOW 斯文姐妹团 < SVEN SISTER > 性感来袭!
Pageant of runway reignite your knowledge of sexy Dancing melody to revive your yearning of temptation The romance of a unprepared A comfortable "pa" Because of your enthusiasm and make public participation 炫丽的秀台重新激起你对性感的认识 舞动的音律重新唤起你对诱惑的向往 一次措手不及的浪漫 一场酣畅淋漓的“啪体” 只因有你的参与而张扬热情 旨在引领甬城娱乐风暴:
New entertainment play by the famous nightclubs crazy fans! Let's put down everything here, show the most primitive desire With SVEN SISTER raised his glass, not drunk no return! 全新的娱乐玩法受到各大知名夜店的疯狂追捧! 在这里让我们放下一切,展露樶原始的欲望 跟着SVEN SISTER举起酒杯,不醉不归!
情人节 I NEED YOU: Baidu, let you experience YongCheng entertainment front, innovative style, leading the club to play for love TA loudly shout out "I need you" valentine's day! -- 百度让你体验甬城娱乐前沿,创新玩法引领夜店玩乐风暴,对喜欢的TA大声喊出“情人节我需要你”!